Landscaping Is So Much More Than Lawn Care!

One of the first things that people notice about your home is its front lawn. So naturally you’ll want this view to be as beautiful and welcoming as it can be. The problem for some of us is that we just don’t know where to begin. Isn’t a well-maintained lawn enough to make an impression? Would a flower garden do justice? A rock garden? How about a nice assortment of perennial bushes? While these are some really good ideas, your landscaping contractor can help you landscape both a front and back yard that not only looks nice, but that will also be easy to maintain.
Make It Easier On Yourself
Landscaping doesn’t have to be as difficult as it sounds. Nor does it require a full-time gardener (unless you want one). All you need to do is make some smart choices and your landscape design can be almost maintenance free.
For example, you could chose specific plants and flowers that nature has specifically engineered to resist disease or insect attacks. You could select greenery that is naturally resistant to temperature changes. And to cut down on pruning or cutting, you could fill your private garden with slow growing plants. In addition, you can literally plan what will grow and when it will grow. In doing so, you’re basically ‘timing’ the production of your landscape design to work on a schedule that you can physically afford to take care of.
Planning Is Key
Planning is key when it comes to landscape design and by looking at your property with an open mind, you can create a unique and special personal place for you and your family. Like golf? How about incorporating a landscape design that resembles a miniature golf course in your back yard? Maybe you would prefer a woodsier look or a view that offers a romantic portrait of floral designs?
Determine What’s Appropriate
These ideas may be a little on the extreme side, but you’re really only limited by your imagination. If you’re worried about that, your contractor can bring you back to reality by assessing your individual lifestyle and then making appropriate suggestions from there. For example, if you’re part of a family that travels a lot, you’ll certainly want a landscape that requires minimal care. A family with young children on the other hand would be well-suited for a landscape design that provides a feeling of open space and freedom. And these ideas (as practical as they may be) begin with a sketch that might require repositioning trees, removing hills, making hills, and all sorts of other things.
Build On What Already Exists
One thing that you and your contractor should remember is that the layout of your existing landscape could offer some great ideas to build on. Low-ground areas may be well-suited for a pebble walkway. Small slopes can serve as the support for small stone fences. A big and tall tree would look beautiful over a brick ground cover bed. Even big rocks can look nice if they’re accompanied by rock plans or surrounded with decorative gravel.
Work together with both your contractor and with nature!