Improving Your Outdoor Space With A New Concrete Patio

For many homeowners, an outdoor patio area can be a wonderful addition to the house. It provides a great area to entertain family and friends, and can also be a good way to add value to your home. When you are looking at installing a new patio, it is important to decide carefully on what material is going to be right for you. Until wooden patios became the popular choice about 10 years ago, concrete or stone patios were the norm. As many homeowners came to find out, however, these wooden patios needed a lot of maintenance and many had to replace them due to warped and rotted boards or pest damage. Concrete patios are making a serious comeback these days, and it’s easy to understand why. If you are looking to install a new patio or replace an existing one, here is a short list of reasons concrete might be the optimal choice for your home’s new patio area.
Concrete is highly durable and can stand up to some of the toughest weather conditions you can find anywhere in the country. Concrete patios are sealed and reinforced to prevent cracking from exposure to temperature extremes and from repeated wear, whereas wooden patios can struggle in the same conditions.
Easy Maintenance
Compare to wood or other individual pieces of paving masonry, concrete is a single, solid surface, so it is much easier to maintain. Because there are no joints or gaps like you would find in paving stones or between wooden planks, there is nowhere for weeds or grass to grow up in places they aren’t supposed to be. With a concrete patio, you can also be sure you are getting a level surface whereas paving stones can settle unevenly, making for a dangerous tripping hazard. In addition, concrete patios don’t require the staining and sealing process that you have to perform every couple years to keep a wooden patio from rotting or warping, and they are impervious to termite infestation.
Concrete is an extremely versatile material when it comes to design concerns. With all of the different coloring and texturing techniques available today, you can be assured that your concrete patio design is going the be the only one like it. Concrete can easily be formed into any shape your outdoor space requires or just styled to create attractive curves if you so choose. Concrete can also attain almost any color you can imagine through the use of different dyeing and staining techniques, so you can go with a natural stone look, or go with something altogether more unique. Due to the wide array of different stamping, engraving, and stenciling tools available today, you can achieve almost any different texture or pattern for your patio that you could imagine, including patterns that mimic the appearance of other materials, including brick, natural stone, or even wood. This can effectively give your patio the appearance of much costlier materials without the added price while also adding to the aesthetics of your home and increasing its value. For an exemplary Redwood City Landscaper call Skyline Landscapes Inc today!